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"The Royal Family's Dirty Money Secrets Exposed - What Queen Elizabeth II Doesn't Want You to Know about #5!"

 The British monarchy has always been at the center of media attention, with drama, sensation and conspiracy surrounding the lives of members of the royal family.

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Starting from Queen Elizabeth II to other family members, the life of the British Royal family is always interesting to discuss, including how they generate and manage their abundant wealth.

The history of the British Royal family began in the 9th century, where this northwestern region of Europe was previously known as the Anglo-Saxon.


Seven different kingdoms were once ruled by King Alfred, the first king in the line of the British Royal family who ruled from 802 to 839.

Despite experiencing an inheritance deadlock in the 1600s, England succeeded in restoring the royal line by appointing Sofia of Hanover and her descendants, which finally brought us to the reign of Queen Elizabeth II.

As the newest royal leader, Queen Elizabeth II has reigned for almost 70 years since 1952. Behind the symbolism and ceremonies we often see, the Queen has special rights such as the Royal Prerogative and Royal Assent.

With this right, the Queen can challenge the Prime Minister's decisions and decide important matters without parliamentary approval, including tax policy and declarations of war.

Even though England adheres to a constitutional monarchy system, this power shows that the royal family still holds significant influence.

The British Royal Family is known as one of the richest families in the world. Queen Elizabeth II's wealth is estimated at 480 million USD or the equivalent of 6.9 trillion Rupiah. 

This wealth was acquired through three main sources: inheritance, family property (Duchy of Lancaster and Cornwall), and the Crown Estate.

1. Personal inheritance: Personal wealth that is passed down from one generation to the next, such as Prince Harry who inherited it from his late mother, Princess Diana.

2. Family Property: The Duchy of Lancaster and the Duchy of Cornwall were lands owned by the ruler which were a source of personal income. For example, the Duchy of Lancaster is the source of Queen Elizabeth II's personal wealth, while the Duchy of Cornwall is the source of Prince Charles's wealth.

3. Crown Estate: The royal family's largest source of non-personal income. Starting from King George who went bankrupt and offered land to the people who then paid taxes to the kingdom as rent. 

In 2019, the Crown Estate generated 1.6 trillion Rupiah

Although the royal family enjoys vast wealth, their use of taxes to fund their lifestyle has often drawn criticism.

Many British people feel that the taxes they pay are used to meet the special needs of the royal family.

However, with overwhelming public support, around 72 to 80 percent of the British population continued to believe that the king was the legitimate head of government.

This support, coupled with media reports that often glorify the royal family, means that this tax controversy is often drowned out and forgotten.

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