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" Orion Portfolio results LLC Makes a Massive Move with LPL Financial effectsInc.- Investors Are Shocked!" 

Results LLC increased its position in shares of LPL Financial effectsInc.

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16.6 in the fourth quarter, according to its  rearmost  exposure to the Securities and Exchange Commission. Institutional investors  enjoy 4,919 shares of the  fiscal services provider's stock after  copping an  fresh 701 shares during the quarter. Orion Portfolio results LLC's stake in LPL Financial was valued at$ at the end of the last quarter.

A number of other barricade  finances have also  lately bought and  vended LPLA shares. Kayne Anderson Rudnick Investment Management LLC increased its stake in LPL Financial by3.9 during the third quarter. Kayne Anderson Rudnick Investment Management LLC now owns shares of the  fiscal services provider's stock valued at$ after acquiring an  fresh 79,869 shares during the period.

 Boston mates increased its stake in LPL Financial by21.5 in the fourth quarter. Boston mates now owns shares of the  fiscal services provider's stock valued at$ after buying an  fresh 181,594 shares in the last quarter. Norges Bank bought new shares of LPL Financial in the fourth quarter valued at$. Massachusetts Financial Services Co. MA increased its position in shares of LPL Financial by2.7 in the fourth quarter. 

Massachusetts Financial Services Co. MA now owns 583,388 shares of the  fiscal services provider's stock valued at$ after buying an  fresh 15,096 shares during the period. Incipiently, American Century CompaniesInc. increased its stake in LPL Financial by6.6 during the third quarter. 

American Century CompaniesInc. now owns 567,856 shares of the  fiscal services provider's stock valued at$ after  copping an  fresh 35,088 shares in the last quarter.95.66 of shares are  possessed by barricade  finances and other institutional investors.   LPL Financial Stock Performance NASDAQ LPLA opened at$286.21 on Monday.

The company's fifty day moving  normal is$267.45 and its two hundred day moving  normal is$250.26. The company has a  request capitalization of$21.38 billion, a price- to- earnings  rate of21.62, a P/ E/ G  rate of1.14, and a beta of0.89. The company has a debt to equity  rate of1.70, a current  rate of1.84, and a quick  rate of1.84. LPL Financial effects Inc. It has a 52- week low of$190.13 and a 52- week high of$287.80.   LPL Financial last released its earnings results on Tuesday, April 30.

The  fiscal services provider reported earnings per share of$4.21 for the quarter, beating judges'  agreement estimates of$3.77 by$0.44. The business generated  profit of$2.83 billion in the quarter, compared with the  agreement estimate of$2.68 billion.   LPL Financial has a return on equity of55.22 and a net  periphery of9.71. Equity  exploration judges estimate that LPL Financial effectsInc. will post15.85 EPS for the time.

LPL Financial tip advertisement The company also  lately  blazoned a daily  tip to be paid on Tuesday, June 4th.   Shareholders of record on Tuesday, May 21st will be given a  tip of$0.30 per share. This represents a  tip of$1.20 annually and a  tip yield of0.42. Theex-dividend date of this  tip is Monday, May 20th.

LPL Financial's  tip payout  rate is  presently9.06.   Critic Sets New Price Target A number of equity  exploration judges  reflected on LPLA shares. TD Cowen raised their price  ideal on LPL Financial from$269.00 to$271.00 and gave the stock a “ hold ” standing in a  exploration report on Wednesday, May 1st.   Raymond James initiated content on shares of LPL Financial in a report on Thursday, April 4th. 

They assigned an “ underperform ” standing to the company. Barclays raised their price  ideal on shares of LPL Financial from$302.00 to$312.00 and gave the company an"  fat" standing in a  exploration note on Monday, April 8th.   Morgan Stanley raised shares of LPL Financial from an “ equalweight ” standing to an “  fat ” standing and raised their price target for the company from$254.00 to$315.00 in a  exploration note on Tuesday, April 9th.

Eventually, UBS Group raised their price  ideal on shares of LPL Financial from$260.00 to$267.00 and gave the stock a" neutral" standing in a  exploration note on Wednesday, February 14th.   One investment critic has rated the stock with a sell standing, five judges have assigned a hold standing, and four have assigned a  steal standing to the stock.

According to data from MarketBeat, LPL Financial has an average standing of “ Hold ” and an average price target of$276.20.   LPL Financial Profile LPL Financial effects Inc, together with its accessories, provides an intertwined platform of brokerage and investment advisory services to independent  fiscal  counsels and  fiscal  counsels to  pots in the United States. Its brokerage immolations include variable and fixed  appropriations,  collective  finances, equities, fixed income, indispensable investments,  withdrawal and education savings plans, and insurance.

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