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Get to know Virginia, the deadliest US submarine

 The Virginia submarine was designated as the US Navy's deadliest stealth weapon. This ship is not just an ordinary battle fleet, but rather the embodiment of the latest maritime technology that is decisive on the battlefield.

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In the 2022 war simulation by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), the crucial role of this nuclear-powered submarine can be seen in the simulation of China's amphibious invasion of Taiwan. 

As a result, US submarines, including the Virginia and Los Angeles classes, were able to paralyze the Chinese fleet. More than just a tool of war, Virginia-class submarines could be the key to stopping a Chinese invasion. Such a conflict would likely involve Chinese ballistic missile attacks to cripple US air power by destroying air bases such as Guam. 

Surface ships will also be targets for various weapons, including carrier-killing ballistic and hypersonic missiles. Amid China's increasing anti-submarine capabilities, the Virginia-class submarines may become the US's most formidable weapon.

Ironically the US only has a limited fleet. Currently, there are only 21 Virginia-class submarines in service, with another 17 on order. Popular Mechanics, Monday (20/5/2024) reported that although the technical details of the submarine are among the most closely guarded secrets of any navy, the information available to the public shows the extraordinary capabilities of the Virginia submarine.

It's easier to read national and international news. Install Home Natural Phenomena Space Discovery Index Home Discovery Get to know Virginia, the US's deadliest submarine Mohammad Saifulloh Monday, 20 May 2024 - 06:58 IWST The Virginia submarine was designated as the US Navy's deadliest stealth weapon. 

The Virginia submarine has been designated as the US Navy's deadliest stealth weapon. This ship is not just an ordinary battle fleet, but rather the embodiment of the latest maritime technology that is decisive on the battlefield. In the 2022 war simulation by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), the crucial role of this nuclear-powered submarine can be seen in the simulation of China's amphibious invasion of Taiwan.

As a result, US submarines, including the Virginia and Los Angeles classes, were able to paralyze the Chinese fleet. More than just a tool of war, Virginia-class submarines could be the key to stopping a Chinese invasion.

Such a conflict would likely involve Chinese ballistic missile attacks to cripple US air power by destroying air bases such as Guam. Surface ships will also be targets for various weapons, including carrier-killing ballistic and hypersonic missiles. Amid China's increasing anti-submarine capabilities, the Virginia-class submarines may become the US's most formidable weapon.

Ironically the US only has a limited fleet. Currently, there are only 21 Virginia-class submarines in service, with another 17 on order. Popular Mechanics, Monday (20/5/2024) reported that although the technical details of the submarine are among the most closely guarded secrets of any navy, the information available to the public shows the extraordinary capabilities of the Virginia submarine.

The newest Block V model, at 461 feet long and weighing 10,200 tons, has a longer hull to accommodate the Virginia Payload Module containing additional cruise missile tubes. Powered by a single nuclear reactor, the Virginia submarine can cruise underwater at speeds of more than 25 knots (28 miles per hour) and remain hidden in the depths for months. 

"These submarines are very quiet and have very good sensors," said Bryan Clark, a former US Navy submarine officer and now a senior researcher. The submarine's ability to remain hidden, detect targets without being detected, and destroy targets is an unmatched plus. 

This also explains that the best weapon to destroy enemy nuclear submarines is other submarines. And in this respect, the Virginia class submarines may be the best in the world.

The development of submarine technology since World War II has been extraordinary. The US Navy's 1943 Gato-class submarine, weighing 2,400 tons submerged, was capable of only 9 knots (10 miles) per hour submerged and 21 knots (24 miles) per hour on the surface. Diesel submarines of the 1940s were generally slower underwater and needed to surface to recharge batteries and provide fresh air for the crew.

In the two decades since the launch of the USS Virginia submarine—the first ship of its class—in 2003, its capabilities have continued to improve. Early models had 12 Vertical Launch System (VLS) tubes for land-attack Tomahawk cruise missiles and four torpedo tubes for Mk-48 torpedoes or mines.

The Block III version replaces the VLS with two Virginia Payload Tubes containing six missiles. The Block V ships currently under construction will be floating missile batteries: A new Virginia Payload Module mounted amidships will add four large vertical launch tubes each armed with seven Tomahawk missiles, for a total of 40 tubes.

With dozens of subsonic Tomahawk missiles capable of hitting targets as far as 1,600 kilometers and even more advanced hypersonic missiles in the future, Virginia-class submarines can strike deep into enemy territory from distant waters. 

However, focusing only on weaponry means ignoring the qualities that have made submarines so deadly since the first appearance of U-boats in World War I. The US Navy's Ticonderoga-class cruisers have 122 VLS missile launch tubes and the Ford-class carriers can launch nearly 100 aircraft. , but neither of them can hide under the sea.

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