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"Discover the Surprising Health Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet and Whether Night Owls Should Change Their Bedtime! Must-Read Health Tips Inside!"

 Hello, health and fitness lovers. I'm Natalie Rahhal, your guest guide to the week's health headlines and what they mean to you. Read on to find out how to incorporate some good habits into your daily life (and maybe cut some things out).

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Here's what our team learned this week:

Another dairy farm worker contracts bird flu; this is the third this year and the fourth in the United States. Health officials still say the risk to the average person is low, but the government is preparing if things get worse. Meanwhile, it's a good idea to keep your distance from wild birds and farm animals, and definitely don't drink raw milk.

Guess what else will be happening in America this summer? Trillions of crickets. If that doesn't scare you, you can try eating it — as long as you read health editor Rachel Grumman Bender's guide to consuming it safely first.

A new study finds that younger generations consume less alcohol than older generations, Korin Miller reports. Experts have some ideas about why, and suggestions about what we can learn from today's kids when it comes to cutting back on booze.

Is it time to invest in a shower head filter? TikTokers claim that's the secret to avoiding skin and hair problems caused by hard water and chlorine in your water supply. Here's what experts told reporter Kerry Justich about the trend.

Want some reasons to feel hopeful about the future? Us too, and we own it. Columnist Marcia Kester Doyle talks to older brides and grooms about what makes later relationships successful, and why it's never too late for love. And I convinced three aging experts to tell me their secrets for living a good life longer.

Heading to the beach? More than just fun, it's also good for your mental health, writes freelancer Amelia Edelman, especially if you implement these expert-approved tips.

Here are more suggestions for improving your well-being this week:

Ladies, maybe it's time to try the Mediterranean diet

Many doctors agree that the Mediterranean diet is among the healthiest. It is associated with a reduced risk of heart attack, stroke, obesity and high blood pressure, as well as certain types of cancer. Now a new study tracking women over a 25-year period finds that those who adhered more strictly to their diet were 23% less likely to die from any cause. Researchers also found that a diet that is plant-based and rich in healthy fats helps reduce inflammation and insulin resistance while improving metabolism.

Go to sleep. Yes, even you, night owls.

There are still many mysteries surrounding the basics of sleep - why we need it, how much we need, and how to get it. And some research suggests that you shouldn't go against your natural inclinations about when to sleep. But recent research has found that everyone's mental health is better if they go to bed earlier - even people who consider themselves night owls. Those who stay up late have higher rates of mental and behavioral disorders.

Want a new work friend? Stop bragging about being busy.

It's tempting to try to bond with coworkers by venting about work stress and how busy you are. But believe me, your coworkers don't actually want to hear that, according to a new report published in the journal Personnel Psychology. So-called stress bragging not only turns off coworkers, but stress is also contagious and leads to higher levels of burnout. So let's try another ice breaker, shall we?

Smartphones can be a mood booster for teenagers

Many experts (and parents) consider smartphones to be a major cause of rising rates of depression and anxiety among teens. But new research shows that the devices aren't all bad. Based on a study of 253 teens between the ages of 12 and 17, teens' moods were on average slightly better when they used their phones. adults (although those with depression tend to use social media more, and vice versa).

Is giving babies peanut butter the secret to having an allergy-free child?

Nearly 2.5% of children in the U.S. are allergic to peanuts, and that number has increased by at least 21% since 2010, according to national data published in 2017. But new research suggests that giving children peanut butter from an early age may help avoid allergy. problem. A National Institutes of Health study found that 71% fewer children developed peanut allergies if they were fed products made from peanuts between infancy and age 5, compared with children who avoided peanuts. Of course, it's best to consult your child's pediatrician first.

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