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"an extraordinary spiritual experience awaits you at the Feast of the Sacred Heart – find out why this is a must-attend jubilee event!"

 The Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Paray-le-Monial in eastern France is preparing for a three-day celebration during the jubilee period — from December 27, 2024 to June 27, 2025. 

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On June 5, Pope Francis announced that a new papal document dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus was being prepared and would released in September. 

His announcement came as the church commemorated the 350th anniversary of Christ's appearance to Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque (1647-1690), a Visitation nun in Paray-le-Monial, where she asked him to celebrate the feast of the Sacred Heart. 

Between December 1673 and June 1675, he received messages that highlight three main things: Jesus' passionate love for humanity, a lament over the ingratitude and indifference he received in return, and a request for compassion in return. 

The French nun also received a vision of the heart of Jesus, circled with thorns, above which was a cross on a throne of fire. The nun recalled how Jesus took her heart and returned it to a state of “flaming.”

Spirituality of love

The sanctuary celebrated this Jubilee from June 6 to 9 and launched a campaign to promote the consecration of individuals and families to the Sacred Heart of Jesus: “Consecrate to Jesus: Furnace of Ardent Love.”

This initiative, proposed by priests at the sanctuary for several years, was described by Father Étienne Kern, rector, as “a response of love from people committed to the love that Christ has for all people.

” Consecrating oneself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is “a way of renewing one's baptism.”“Jesus was the first to be consecrated,” explained Father Kern. 

In Luke 4, Jesus, quoting Isaiah, declared in the synagogue, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me; He has consecrated me to bring good news to the poor.” Through baptism, Jesus brings us into His sanctification. This baptismal consecration can be renewed more consciously through consecration to the Heart of Jesus.A simple process.

Starting June 7, the Feast of the Sacred Heart, the sanctuary website will offer a 12-step preparation course for this consecration ( This site will show the message of Christ at Paray-le-Monial and the steps of the consecration process. 

“It's very simple,” Pastor Kern assured. “It can be done after Mass, with a prayer to the Holy Spirit and a prayer of consecration. There are various prayers, including the jubilee prayer offered by the sanctuary this year. 

We can also say a prayer to Mary to strengthen the process, as well as the Our Father, and end with a hymn.”

For Pastor Kern, this process is “the culmination of a journey toward a profound decision to ‘give love for love’ to Christ.” This can be done alone or in a group, individually, as a family, or in a community, such as a parish or school. 

It can also be updated during parties or even every day. During the Jubilee in Paray, the consecration of individuals and families will take place on June 9 under the dome of the sanctuary.

A devotion that is regaining popularity

During these three days there will also be films, performances, processions and an evening of adoration, as well as teachings on the spirituality of the Sacred Heart. 

This spirituality is not about increasing prayer and devotion but is a "transformative encounter with Christ that makes our hearts similar to His heart: humble, gentle, and full of compassion towards the world.

"Falling out of favor in the second half of the 20th century and often associated with certain political currents or suspicions of sentimentality, devotion to the Sacred Heart is now experiencing a revival. 

“We are rediscovering the power and freshness of this message,” said the Chancellor. "Margaret Mary's experience of the Sacred Heart was not an experience of flowing blood, but an experience of the fire of the Holy Spirit.

"According to Father Kern, another aspect of spirituality that resonates today is “the ability to lean into the heart of Jesus, as Saint Margaret Mary or Saint John did. 

People need to feel that God comforts them in their affections, guilt, and wounds. However, this is not an intimate devotion. This is carried out in the Church and is a concern of the entire human community.”

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