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"Exposed: The Jaw-Dropping Secrets of Mining Product Export Prices Uncovered!"

 In the February 2024 period, the  maturity of mining product goods subject to import duties endured price increases compared to the January 2024 period. 

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This price increase was due to increased demand for these mining products on the world  request.   

This has an impact on the determination of Export Benchmark Prices( HPE) for mining products which are subject to Export Duty( BK) for the period February 2024, which is determined through Decree of the Minister of Trade Number 140 of 2024 dated January 30 2024 concerning Determination of Export Benchmark Prices for Mining Products Subject to Export Duty.  

Mining products that endured an average price increase in the February 2024 period were bobby concentrate( Cu ≥ 15) with an average price of USD 3,329.80 WE or an increase of0.73; laterite iron concentrate( gutite, hematite, magnetite)( Fe ≥ 50 and Al2O2 SiO2 ≥ 10) with an average price of USD61.14 WE or an increase of2.22; and zinc concentrate( Zn ≥ 51) with an average price of USD660.57 WE or an increase of1.92.   

Meanwhile, the mining product that endured a drop in average price in February 2024 was  supereminent concentrate( Pb ≥ 56) with an average price of USD841.96 WE or a  drop of2.39.   

Determination of HPE for mining products for the period February 2024 is carried out by first requesting written input/ suggestions from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral coffers( ESDM) as the applicable specialized agency.   

The Ministry of Energy and Mineral coffers made a offer after calculating data grounded on price developments  attained from Asian Essence, the London Bullion Market Association( LBMA), and the London Metal Exchange( LME).   

likewise, the determination of the HPE was carried out after a collaboration meeting between affiliated agencies,  videlicet the Ministry of Trade, Ministry of Energy and Mineral coffers, Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs, Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Industry.   

Global Bobby Prices prognosticated to Skyrocket, Renewable Energy is the Culprit  preliminarily, global bobby prices were anticipated to jump  further than 75 percent in the coming two times, amid  dislocations in mining  inventories and high demand for the essence.   

The  swell in bobby prices was also  touched off by the  drive for renewable energy.   Quoting CNBC International, Wednesday(3/1/2024) BMI report, exploration unit Fitch results revealed that demand driven by the environmentally friendly energy transition and the possibility of a decline in the US bone in the alternate half of 2024 will push bobby

Prices to come more  precious.   

Requests are now counting on the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates this time, which would weaken the bone and make  note- priced bobby more  seductive to foreign buyers.  

" The positive view on bobby is  further about macro factors," said Bank of America Securities head of  introductory accoutrements  for Asia- Pacific, Matty Zhaoz   also, at the recent COP28 climate change conference,  further than 60 countries supported plans to double global renewable energy capacity by 2030.   

Citibank sees that this decision will be a step that will have a  veritably positive impact on bobby. In its December 2023 report, the investment bank estimated that advanced renewable energy targets would increase bobby demand by4.2 million tonnes in 2030.

The report added that this has the implicit to push bobby prices to USD 15,000 per ton in 2025, much advanced than the record high of USD 10,730 per ton in March 2023.  

" This assumes a soft  wharf in the US and Europe, an earlier recovery in global growth and significant easing in China," Citi judges said, while also emphasizing  uninterrupted investment in the energy transition sector.

Product Declines, Demand Still Rises   Other judges see a bullish trend in bobby due to mining  dislocations, with Goldman Sachs  prognosticating a  deficiency of  further than half a million tons in 2024.   

Last November, First Quantum Minerals halted  product at Cobre Panamá, one of the world's largest bobby mines, following a Supreme Court ruling and civil  demurrers over environmental enterprises.   

Meanwhile, Anglo American, a major patron, also said it would cut bobby product in 2024 and 2025 as it seeks to cut costs.  

" The  force cuts  support our view that the bobby request is entering a period of more pronounced tightening," wrote Goldman judges, estimating bobby prices will reach USD 10,000 per tonne this time, and much advanced in 2025.   

Chile and Peru are said to be the countries that stand to gain the most from rising interest in bobby. This is because both countries have large reserves of environmentally friendly transition minerals  similar as lithium and bobby that are ready to  profit from increased investment and advanced import demand.   

Chile has about 21 percent of global bobby reserves. " Our confidence that bobby

prices will rise again significantly in 2025( averaging USD 15,000 per tonne) is now much advanced," Goldman said.

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