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"30 Day Healthy Diet Menu Revealed - Say Goodbye to Stubborn Fat Forever with These Tips!"

 The recommended daily diet menu for 30 days includes consuming fish and nuts, as well as green vegetables. Balance it with exercise and discipline in maintaining the intake that enters the body.

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You should not go on a diet to lose weight haphazardly. Because, diet and type of diet depend on the overall condition of the body. Apart from that, the diet actually focuses on reducing calorie intake but still getting nutritious food intake. 

Apart from that, even though there are many food menus that you can consume to help you lose weight, you still need to pay attention to the type and portions. In fact, you also need to know the combination of a healthy diet menu so that your ideal body weight can be achieved.

Recommended 30 Day Diet Menu 

If you or your family members are confused about choosing food for a diet, you can try the following diet menu recommendations:

1. Monday diet menu (first day) 

The first day's diet menu is oatmeal with fruit or yoghurt topping. This menu is high in fiber, minerals and carbohydrates.

You can eat this food in the morning as a breakfast menu, as well as lunch and dinner.

2. Tuesday diet menu (second day) 

As a diet menu for the second day, you can eat breakfast in the form of omelettes or scrambled eggs.Continue with grilled chicken with tomatoes and carrots for lunch. Meanwhile, at dinner, you can eat brown rice with side dishes such as fish or chicken.

Meanwhile, if you want to try going on a diet, this is a nutritionist who can give you information about intermittent fasting.

3. Wednesday diet menu (third day)

Entering the third day, you should consume 50 percent of your fruit intake.

For example, bananas, melons, avocados or oranges. Meanwhile, the remaining 50 percent can consume vegetables or whole grains. Starting from spinach, mustard greens, tomatoes, cucumbers and broccoli.

4. Thursday diet menu (fourth day)

You need to reduce food portions on the fourth day, but don't skip breakfast.

As a healthy diet menu, you can consume avocado smoothies during the day or evening. Apart from that, you can also eat vegetable salad with olive oil dressing.

5. Friday diet menu (fifth day) 

The healthy diet menu for the fifth day is a wheat bread sandwich filled with jam. The healthy diet menu for the fifth day that you can consume is a whole wheat bread sandwich filled with peanut butter.

Continue with a vegetable salad complete with chicken as a lunch menu. In the evening, you can eat eggs with boiled vegetables.

6. Saturday diet menu (sixth day) 

The breakfast menu that you can consume on the sixth day is yogurt with a combination of cereal or fruit.

At lunch, you can replace rice with corn. At night, you can just eat fruit.

7. Sunday Diet Menu (Seventh Day) 

Weekends can actually be the right moment to have a cheat day when choosing a menu.

This means that you are free to eat whatever you want, as long as you don't overdo it.

Apart from the diet menu above, you can also ask a nutritionist

Healthy Diet Tips for Losing Weight 

Not only do you know the healthy diet menu, you should also follow the following healthy diet tips to get the results you want:

1. Don't skip breakfast

Skipping breakfast makes the body lose energy for activities. As a result, you will tend to overeat during the day because you are too hungry.

Apart from not skipping breakfast, choose a healthy and nutritious breakfast menu, such as boiled eggs, whole wheat bread or salad.

2. Fulfill your body's fluid intake

The next tip is to have sufficient daily fluid intake of approximately 2 liters per day.

The intake can also be more than that according to each individual's body weight.

Because 60 percent of the human body is water which supports the function of the body's organs. 

Not only that, if the body gets sufficient water intake, the fat burning process will certainly be more optimal.

In this way, weight will be reduced periodically.

3. Increase your fiber intake

Apart from that, increase your fiber intake. In fact, consuming foods with high fiber content can help optimize nutrient absorption and slow digestion.

As a result, your stomach will feel full for longer. Healthy food sources rich in fiber that you can choose include fruit, vegetables, whole grain cereals, seeds and nuts.

4. Avoid stress eating

It is important to stay calm when you are on a diet program. Because, people often feel disappointed and frustrated if the diet results do not meet expectations.

Therefore, you should avoid stress eating so that the diet you follow provides optimal results.

The way to do this is to choose a varied diet menu so that you don't feel bored or fed up.

Apart from that, create a healthy menu that suits your tongue and taste without forgetting the nutritional needs of your body

5. Balance it with exercise

Healthy diet patterns and menus alone are not enough to lose weight. You also need to exercise regularly so that your body's metabolism runs optimally.

However, avoid strenuous exercise because it can cause blood sugar to become unstable. You can try walking regularly for 30 minutes every day.

6. Set rest times

Lack of sleep and sleep quality are also associated with weight gain. Because sleep quality also affects appetite.

Getting enough sleep will make ghrelin and leptin (messengers from the brain) more controlled in sending calorie signals to the body. 

If the quality of sleep is good and sufficient, the levels of these two neurotransmitters will be controlled so that the desire to eat at night will decrease, or even disappear.

7. Measure Body Mass Index

Measuring BMI can provide information regarding a person's body weight and nutritional condition, whether it is excessive, insufficient or appropriate.

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